'Jumping on the band wagon'...

 A Bucket list you say..
You gotta have goals right? I mean if I have nothing to work for or working towards I turn into mush and start to blend into the sofa. I know it sounds silly but I loveeee being busy. Being here , there and everywhere makes me happy. My life is revolved around 'to do list's' and sticky post it notes. I admit that I have a crap memory and forget everything (apart from dance routines thank god), and writing it down it the only way of remembering where I am meant to be at a certain time plus what I need to do. Organisation Queen! Having a list of things I wanna do / achieve is another thing that makes me happy..( sad I know). 

A bucket list is meant for things you want to achieve in your life. It can be things that are probably going to happen and easy to achieve, I have loaded my list with them just because I like the satisfaction of ticking things off. And it can be dreams that you may not achieve, big goals in life but all vital to receive motivation of.  It can be such a range of things, the most random list ever. It doesn't matter what goes down on that page as long as its personal to you & something you want to tick off. They are such a good thing to have because you always say to yourself ' Oh I wanna do that one day' and then years pass and you are still saying that or forgotten you wanna do something. By putting it straight on your list , those days when you are bored or stuck what to do you can flick to that book at do something productive. I know its a predictable thing and a bit childish but embrace you inner child and just have fun in life. So many people get bogged down with boring / normal life and forget to actually enjoy life and do stuff that you like and enjoy. People are so caught up in work work work and making money. Don't get me wrong I know we live in a society where we have to do them extra hours to have certain luxury's but we end up getting stuck in this loop of getting up, going to work and repeating. Do I hear borrrrringgggg oozing from your body, I think so. So get making a list of things you wanna do before you die, or before next year. Doesn't have to be in some fancy book either... Scrap bit of paper will do. I'll give you a few ideas of whats on my list. Don't judge, you are already familiar with my weirdness... 

* Picnic in a park with blanket & Basket (Cos I'm cute like that)
*Have KFC for first time ( Yes I am a KFC virgin)
*Go Back to Brighton 
*Go to Glastonbury Festival
* Travel the world 
*A massive bath with bubbles and tea (Life long mission)
*Have my own Dance school
*Have a pinata for my birthday (hint hint friendlings)
*Fly in a Hot Air Balloon
*Learn how to headstand. 

Okay so now you have an idea of my weird and wonderful ideas that are on my bucket list. Don't go stealing them now either! Joking most of them are pretty obvious and predictable but hey its my list so don't bully me.. They are only part of a small list I have, I tried to pick the more normal ones just so you won't think I am completely bonkers! So get making your list, your regret it in a few years time, I mean it. But saying that you can start it at any age and tick them off at any time. Its a free world! well ... Kind of. Hope you enjoyed this kinda meaningless post about my bucket list and the tones of encouragement I am giving you to start one... If you haven't already add me on social network sites, I need friends please. Mine have run away from me.. I like new friends too. Thank you to all the crazy people who are already following me & like my blog! Till next time..

With Love Always
