Mix and Match
Where Have I been?
I am sad to say that this will probably be my last 'frequent' post for a while now! I am returning to college Monday and I already know I will be super super busy and will not have time to post as much as I like. But I will keep you guys updated whats happening because I love doing posts and sharing my ideas and lifestyle. This post is kinda a few days merged into one really. Purely because surprise surprise I have been busy, mainly at rehearsals and getting college work finished. But I have been eating good, exercising and generally feeling really good about myself. Usually after Easter most people feel slobbish and regretting them Easter eggs you destroyed in two seconds flat but for once in my life I am happy with my achievements over this long rest period and feel I have done well. Of course there were a few slip ups and days when I over indulged but hey we are all human and we are aloud to make mistakes and you always learn from those and become a better person from them. Also I read everywhere that you shouldn't deprive yourself, sometimes a bar of chocolate is what your body needs and by not having it in moderation you will sometimes end up over eating a few days later more than you wanted to. So yes maybe those chocolate buttons you sneaked into bed isn't the end of the world... Most mornings I wake up starving and breakfast is the thing that gets me out of bed. Porridge will never get old for me, there are so many different combinations you can add to it to make it different each morning and sometimes plain porridge is all I need. If I am on a tight time schedule , low fat Greek yogurt, handful of raisins, few almonds and sunflower seeds will go down a treat... ohh and add some porridge oats to thicken it up! The breakfast smoothie that I have been making from Deliciously Ella's website is so easy to make and I have been having that some mornings. As I said in previous posts the smoothie has simple ingredients and all you do it blend and its ready, so so easy. When I go back to college I may make a batch the night before and then its ready for the next day.
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Breakfast Smoothie |
The mix berries I bought have last me for ages now! Fresh berries are lovely but they just don't last as long, with the frozen berries they can be used multiple times. Again I didn't have any fresh leafy spinach so I resulted to the frozen stuff. However I'm not bothered by it , suppose it does the same job. I do check once I have drank my smoothie that bits of green are not present in my teeth before with human contact. Spinach seems to like to wedge itself in teeth, therefore a good brush with the good old toothbrush is needed to make sure you are safe when fake laughing at your parents awful jokes or flirting with a hot person. Believe me, I have had seasoning stuck in my nashers on many occasions, mainly my sister noticing and leaving me be while she tries to keep a straight face talking to me. It is something that is hilarious in mine and my sisters eyes, but we have a strange sense of humor that only us find funny so I understand if you are reading this thinking we are crazy.. because most of the time we are when together! but yeh I've been having that breakfast smoothie and loving it like always. The only pooey thing was that my mum accidentally bought the normal almond milk.. eeeeek it was so sugary compared to the un-sweetened, but ahh it will do not going to waste it. Green tea, green tea, green tea. I've got myself back into the routine of having a green tea for breakie and one with my lunch. Once I get out of routine with drinking it I won't touch it for ages and drink loads of normal tea. But green tea has 'wonderful benefits' apparently and I don't dislike the taste so mehh might as well drink it. But I will always have a good old normal cup of tea, ahhh they are the best.. ever... of course drinking on average 2 liters of water a day and maybe drinking more if I have done exercise just to stop me getting dehydrated. This past few days the weather has been amazing! I have actually got a tan from just being outside doing college work on my laptop. One of the days I walked into town to get some lunch and was sweating buckets! My water intake of course increased but the cups of tea stayed the same. I'm one of those weird people who can still drink hot drinks in hot climates. Talking of walking into town to get some lunch , I resisted a pub lunch and suggested to get some food from the supermarket and be cute and have a picnic in my garden. It was such a good idea because it was a better way of eating healthier and so much nicer and way more fun all helping to prepare the food and then sit in the garden in the sunshine munching away! The leftover food we had I used to make foods for rehearsals the next day, I was going to be out for dinner and not returning home till half ten so I had to prepare food to take. Of course it's just easier to buy a sandwich from Tesco's then take a pot of pringles, pack of biscuits and sweets to munch on between rehearsing but none of that is really fueling your body in the right way. All it's doing it sending your blood sugar levels sky high then crashing after that and your body running on nothing. Before I left home for rehearsals I had the leftover homemade lentil soup my dad had made, that filled me up and I wasn't really hungry until half 8ish where we had a break and I had my chicken and avocado salad that I had prepared earlier. Once I got home about 10:45 ish I was still satisfied from that and went to bed with a cup of tea.
Skipping a few days I made a return to IKEA again woo, but with my mum this time. She wanted to get some bits herself and I went back and saw more things I liked and got some more of those glass jars I bought before. My mum did promise me that she will take me out for lunch and spend some girly time together before I go back to my crazy lifestyle at college and a shopping trip is perfect to spend time together. Even if it was IKEA a massive warehouse of home stuff instead of clothes. We did stop off in the restaurant in IKEA. Now I love the meatballs and chips but I am trying to be good and I knew my dad was planning to do a chili for tonight's dinner which is my absolute favorite meal in the world so I didn't want to be greedy and technically have two dinners in one day. My mum got the meatballs and chips though so she did share a few meatballs with me so I wasn't missing out completely. But then again the salmon is equally amazing and was a good choice and healthy too! I love the fact that you get the trays and put them on that wheelie thang so you don't have the awkwardness of balancing everything. The restaurant is like a school dinner hall, but nicer obviously. In my previous post I said about getting free coffee when you have a family IKEA card and obviously I was with my mum today so FREEEE COFFEE! I forgot how strong it is but it taste so good! I did feel myself twitching after my second cup though.. Successful shopping trip, well fed and a good catch up with the mother. Now time to return home and get back ready for teaching and class. Oh and the amazing chili!!
So I have had a busy few days and this weekend will be crazy with shows, teaching, other rehearsals while entertaining the grandparents that are down visiting. I'm not sure when I will be posting next or what about..*Cry, but it will be soon.. I hope haha. But it's been super fun doing these posts as it does open your eyes and makes you think about what you have been eating and the certain habits you have good or bad. Thank you to all the people who have read my blog , Its rubbish and needs work and I have awful grammar and the ability to spell, thank the lord for spell checker though that's rubbish most of the time, but people obviously like it for some strange reason. Keep following me and look out my my new posts and that. Feel free to follow me on twitter- bethanytrower. Or drop me an email-bethtrower@hotmail.co.uk. Or just share my posts of facebook or wherever. Oh I will let you into a secret.... I did have 'Five Guys' the other day, as I took a friend that was a Five Guys virgin. It was incredible like always and felt like I needed to give myself a treat after doing so good! I think the best part of the place is the refillable drinks and how many flavors they have, omg! My favorite was definitely the Fanta fizzy strawberry one, I think that's what its called.. but it taste amazing and full of sugar , whheyyy! I was taking full advantage of the fact you could refill it as many times you wanted. I was so full and really didn't want any more drink but I still filled mine and my friends up to the top and walked back to the car freezing our hands off just because I wanted more of the strawberry goodness, ahhhh I did end uo drinking it later that night but then left them on my side for a few days and leaking everywhere on my white draws..opsss. Worth it though. WOW I have gone off on a tangent when I am meant to be wrapping this post up.. opppss. But yes Goodbye for now you gorgeous lovely people. I will be back...
With Love Always
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