Happy Bethany
The golden book arrived in the Trower household.
Ping. I got an email notifying me that my amazon parcel had been dispatched and was on its way. That got me "eeeekk-ing" and counting down the days. Yes I am that sad. 'A few days later'(in Spongebob Square pants voice)Ping. Another email to tell me that it had been delivered and was at my house waiting for me. So I got home from a long day at college and was expecting it to be there ready to jump into my arms.. but no.. The neighbors had stolen it! but which one? Time to go and seek out which neighbor wanted this golden treasure. I ran out of time as I had class that night but it welcomed me home when I got back from a very sweaty evening of extra classes, although not getting time to read it that night as I couldn't keep my eyes open!
The book looked so colorful and radiant against the boring, brown cardboard packing it came in. I couldn't wait to start reading it that night! (But I didn't) And believe me that's something rare you will hear coming out of my mouth. I shamefully admit that I have never read a book in my life, excluding Mice of Men in English class but that was a class read and joint effort so i'm not including that. This will be my first book I would have completed. And yes you can argue it's technically a cook book but there are chapters and pages that are all words and no pictures or recipes. - It sounds like i'm trying to argue my point to a teacher that I am reading a 'proper book' in silent reading class, when really hiding behind a picture book and giggling to your friend. We have all done it! Take a look for yourself if you don't believe me;)So the book has everything in it that the website has on it. Yes I know you can just go onto her website and look at it from there but I just find having a book in front of you is so much nicer to read plus I think there's a bit more information added. The book is full of amazing pictures that inspire you to try these gorgeous foods and to buy fresh foods. It contains Ella's story, that is extended in the book which I found even more interesting and inspiring. How to get started on your new journey, then it breaks down the different categories from grains, nuts and seeds to fruit and veg. They all have a chapter and have an in depth explanation about them ,where you can get them and the yummy recipes you can try with these foods.
So yeah get your hands on this amazing book, it is so cheap as well. I got it on Amazon UK for under a tenner plus postage and packaging. So if you fancy making something you can flick open the book and the recipe is there to try and experiment with. Defiantly as I read more of this book it inspires me to try more of her recipes and to try others I have done in the past. One of favorite parts of the book is the 'Frequently asked questions section' strangely enough. There are all the silly questions you ask yourself when finding out about Deliciously Ella or even when you have being using her advise and recipes for a while. It kinda makes you feel a bit less silly that others have asked the same questions that should seem obvious to you. That was the first thing I flicked to when looking at his book! This book is my new best friend. My food bible. I actually adore it and this way of living. I can't explain how much inspiration it has given me and the motivation to keep it up. If you have read from my previous posts I started this journey back in Easter, which technically wasn't ages ages ago but in terms of changing your lifestyle and eating habits its progress and achievement in my eyes. How long have FAD diets lasted for you? few days? a week at the most.. Yes I admit I have had some slip ups and days when I have fallen off the ladder but we are all human and ALL make mistakes in our life. Not sounding cringey but her advise articles have taught me that if you have a bad day or even week just pick yourself up from it and learn from it. The only way is forward and by living in the past you are not going to achieve anything but go backwards, which is bad. Forward is good. haha. I have to remind myself several times a day not to beat myself up over things as that will not get you anywhere in life, simply learn from your mistakes and hopefully this will stop you from doing it again. No bodies perfect, "Noo noo noo" (Jessie J reference joke) we are all individual and all bring something new and different to the table. You just need to find what you are good at and go with it. Preach over, haha. I cannot believe how long this post has taken me to write and publish, it is actually ridiculous! I'm not even going to tell you when I got the book and how long this post has been sitting in my drafts. Of course I have been super busy with college and I had my one of shows a few weekends ago. I was at rehearsals dreaming about reading this book and kinda wished I chucked it into my dance bag to read at the side of stage before going on to dance! But saving it has made it so much better and now I cannot put it down before I go to bed :) plus I have been experimenting even more now with her recipes. I shall put the link for the book at the bottom for you lovely people. I apologize again for my lack of posts, I have been terrible recently! But I am getting back into it and got loads of ideas for future posts. So make sure you look out for them and keep reading people. Thank you so much for the support with my blog! Feel free to contact me by email-bethtrower@hotmail.co.uk or tweet me -bethanytrower. *Ooohh I just made a new Instagram account so get following people- simplybethany__
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Here's the link for you to buy the book on Amazon-
http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1444795007?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 |

With Love Always
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