I got that stressed feeling already?!
Andddd Breathe..
I feel like a complete stranger. Firstly I need to give myself a slap on the wrist and apologize that I haven't blogged in over a month. Yess I just said a month. Ouch. To be fair I have been on holiday and recently started back at college but come on Beth, ya slacking. I even wanted to do a holiday post, although showing off the warm weather and tanned skin while we are slowly emerging into the dark and gloomy months isn't such a great idea. Fear no more a new post has arrived & has linked well with the first two weeks back at college.
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Benny the Buddha. The new edition to my room! |
Okay so I am half way through my second week at college being a third year and those stressed feelings are already starting to emerge. How?! It's the second week. I know I am one to stress and have slight perfection disorder therefore finding ways to help me relax and feel under control has helped. I'm going to be nice and share them with you.. here we go.
* Sleeping
Getting enough sleep is SO important , especially with what I'm doing everyday. And before you non dancers even think to say ' Ohh it's not even hard what you do' I wouldn't even take a breath to say it as you don't want to deal with a tired , grouchy and achy dancer and potentially a grande battement to the face. Second thoughts my leg wouldn't even make it that high after a day of training so maybe just the evil bitchy face to deal with... But anywho, sleeping is da key to less stress. Making sure you wind down before bed and not overthinking things. If you have a stressful day the next morning try keep it off your mind and clear your mind. It's not worth loosing sleep over. I've read as well that you should put all electrical devices down at least 30 minuets before you sleep as it keeps your brain working and awake. The brightness of the screen keeps the old brain on working mode which delays you switching off and drifting off to sleep. I know that's pretty impossible for the modern day human that's glued to their phone so don't moan in the morning when your tired and struggling to depart from your beloved bed. A nice early night with a cup of tea. Sorted.
* To- do Lists
These are my best friend. So are post-it notes. This year we have had varied tasks to complete and things to prepare for class for the following week. If I don't write them down within that hour they are gone out my head until I am reminded or even worse standing in class without the task being done. I even write down silly things like to remind me to wash my hair or email someone. I am that forgetful yes. Its nothing to be ashamed of and totally normal. If you think about all the information and conversations we have a day, our poor little brain can only remember a certain amount and believe me its sometimes the information that is pointless I remember. My dressing table is full with post- it notes and I take my to-do lists to college with me so I can add things throughout the day. May sound weird but I do get a satisfactions out of ticking something off once I have completed it. I even sometimes write down things that I know I will get done easily within that night or even hour just so I can tick it off and make me feel like I have actually achieved a lot in that evening or day. Sado! but yes, keeping on track with what you need to do or within the next few days will help you have a sense of organisation and not the feeling of your brain about to explode into a million pieces. eww.
* Bathtime.
There's nothing better than sinking into a steaming hot bath after a long day. Even better, try adding bath salts to your water! It's been my birthday recently therefore bath salts was top of my list. I don't know if people was trying to hint that I smell awful or just know me very well and know I love bath salts. Who doesn't? Not only does it help sooth your achy muscles but it helps you relax and even have a little kip. P.s I don't advice you taking a nap in the bath, it's obviously dangerous... but at least close your eyes and think happy thoughts. If you want to take it a step further light some candles round the bath with scented a smell as well. Also quick reminder not to burn yourself and drop them in the bath..opps. Or hot wax on skin..ouch. Bath safety tips should be my next blog post.. So yes a lovely bubbly bath, blaring out the tunes and relaxation time. 'Me time' it is described as however if you have a sister like mine you get her banging on the door to open the door for a friendly chat. *Sigh. Tip for dancers- have a hot bath then before you cool down its the best time to have a stretch and release all that tension and tight muscles to help with less ache the next day.
* 'You Time'
You can get so caught up in what your doing and sometimes make yourself more stressed. The mind is a powerful thing and by telling yourself that your stressed it can add unnecessary feelings and emotions that aren't needed and taking up brain space. A positive attitude gives you a positive mind. Sometimes stepping away from something and returning when ready is better. I find sometimes by distracting the mind or giving it something different to focus on helps you think differently when approaching it again or giving you that spark to help with it. My outside ballet classes help me to relax and sometimes get away from things. I can go in the worst mood but magically finish class like a new person. Of course dancing isn't always the option. Having a walk or doing something you enjoy will give you that relaxation you need in order to function properly. Only you know what truly makes you feel better and have that 'Me time' even if its for 5 minuets. Having the company of others is always good as if they are in a good mood you will automatically feed off that positive energy and then hopefully will change your mood. Happy days.
So there you have it, just a few tips how to feel less stressed and 'You time'. Remember, things are not normally the end of the world. We are very selfish creatures and sometimes only think of ourselves. Sometimes in the grand scale of things our worries and things that are causing us stress are only minuet compared to others. Although at the time feel a lot worse and wondering if you will get through it. The more things you get through and achieve,the stronger you become. If you ever feel deflated or not confident, think about last year and what you was like and how much you have achieved since then. You are constantly growing as a person and hopefully achieving new and wonderful things. Positive vibes all the way please. Happy faces at all times. I hope this has helped with you stressful bunnies. Once again I am very sorry for being poo with blogging! Slowly getting back into it. New posts very soon. Exciting things. Make sure you Share & Like ma tings. Please & Thank you.
With Love Always
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