Nutrition & Well Week

Any Instagram user is well aware of the endless accounts that are filled with beautiful women, tanned skin, 'skinny' and endless likes that any teenager would dream of having on their average picture.  What even is skinny? But the new trends seems to be 'strong is the new sexy'. Athletic women its your time to shine. For many years now the average teenager gets bogged down by the constant images being shoved in their faces of a 'perfect' women. Not showing the true physical appearance and the idea that we all have different features and attributes that make us unique. which in my eyes so more beautiful. You can see how this false image and idea can lead to many problems teenagers and women today face such as eating disorders and body image issues. That's why I am welcoming this new trend of healthy eating and physical activity to the world and hopefully bringing back body confidence and a happy little soul. It's not about changing everything over night but to alter things slowly to avoid back tracking and even worse failure. That's where my nutrition & well week comes into it. 

At college we had a day dedicated to nutrition and well being where we was joined by Sam Downing and Rosina Andrews who took us through our paces and fed us some yummy foods. A very very sweaty body conditioning class with PT Sam, where my biceps felt like they were going to fall off and run away crying but afterwards once the endorphin's kicked in you felt unstoppable. A food tasting class and nutrition talk where they broke down meals in a day, providing us with so much information on all these wonderful foods. Yummy smoothie making and chia puddings, giving you that healthy eating buzz (if you aren't a fussy person) .We finished the day off with a Body Balance class which helped to stretch our muscles out and relax the body and mind. A day filled with positive minds and walking slowly to our cars starting to feel the muscle soreness kick in. 

It didn't just stop there, nutrition day has turned into nutrition week and hopefully nutrition lifestyle. Now on half term for a week, obviously its a good time to implement all the information we got told and to try new things out. As i'm not dancing all day everyday, I will try new classes and keep my general fitness up. My aim is to try do a short post everyday outlining my day and how I got on, giving tips and advice how to get started if your thinking in trying. So make sure you follow me and look out for new posts everyday...
With Love Always
