It's that time of the year when every day merges into one and the long days and weeks just seem to drag. The weather is forever changing and can't make its mind up if its hot or cold. Or we are getting storms and million mph winds named Imogen.(shout out to ginge at college) The messy hair look forces me to actually use my hair brush. Moving on from small talk about the weather, this season actually allows you to submerge yourself into the late nights tucked up in bed, addicted to series on Netflix's. This is the moment when your eyes actually turn square and the hours seem to slip bye, kinda guilt free.
No one seems to have any money, broke after Christmas and new years. The 'diets' are still being half attempted therefore going out for dinner has still the answer of 'I have no money, or I'm tryna be good'. Going 'out out' has the thought of being freezing cold waiting outside and again money. Sooo... what should we do to amuse ourselves *Twiddling thumbs. 'Netflix and ...TEA!' The cold nights invite you to snuggle under the duvet with a big cup of tea and a few biscuits that aren't part of your diet but don't count because they are hidden in the duvet and your not counting them. Oppss lost count. Anyway, watching a series requires commitment and a lot of time if you want to get properly into it. I admit I can't go preaching about watching series because I have only watched three and frankly haven't explored a lot more. So here's my update of my list:

Over and over and over again. If you haven't seen this, you are seriously missing out. I admit the best ones are the first few series then you have to skip to series 7 to complete it. Still have a crush on Freddie! Who didn't? I could easily sit through them again which I have done on several occasions. Watching the box set every weekend, yes this was before Netflix even existed and a sleepover with my best friend Rubie who only lived round the corner. Teenage years.. The skins theme tune is fully sunken into my brain as we would often fall asleep watching it and it would get stuck on the main menu on repeat.
Anyone who has seen this series will know the temptation to sing the theme tune every time it starts after the opening scene. That country accent feel and some funky dance moves compliment it quite well. (Give it a try next time) When this first arrived on Netflix it went mad, everyone was watching it. But I knew I had to save myself and was always going to watch it during a long holiday like the summer. However my boyfriend suggested we watched it and it was far easier than trying to pick a film every time we wanted to watch something. I haven't finished and can not get enough of it. It seems to be getting better as it goes on. Do not tell me the ending! haha.
This is definitely considered in my opinion as an easy watch and good for a first time viewer watching series. Don't get me wrong it is still one of my favorites and I still highly recommend to anyone. The characters are all so unique which makes it so interesting and wanting you watch more and more. I like the idea of showing you what happened previously to give you that refresher but not when your watching back to back episodes. Like any series it will definitely get you feeling a range of emotions from crying one minute to laughing uncontrollably.
Just a few series I have watched or about to finish. I have been recommend others which I may try after I have finished Breaking Bad. So brew a nice cuppa, sneak the biscuit tin upstairs and get cosey in your bed and loose yourself to a series. In know time it will be summer again! Let me know what your favorite series is ? Or what you are currently watching?