A Merry Monday
At the moment I am on that positive vibe train and trying to make the best out of all situations. I often tell myself 'Is it really that bad?' Or there are far more people in worse situations who are dealing with issues so much better than myself. I love a good cry. Who doesn't? I have actually convinced myself that if I have a random cry over something stupid I am one going through the 'time of the month' or two haven't cried in a while therefore I need to release those tears. Silly I know. But having a good cry really does make me feel better sometimes. Even if its over burning some toast or dropping the last two eggs... So back to my positive vibe. So Monday mornings are not so bad. I have put together some things I do every Monday to make it more merry and something I look forward to.
The first thing I do is sort my emails out. Over the weekend my junk box has filled up and I have loads of spam in my inbox, I get great satisfaction of deleting unnecessary emails and starting the week fresh with a clean inbox. As I manage my boyfriends social media accounts for his own business I also get extra satisfaction clearly out his inbox to as he receives so much spam and never bothers to delete it regularly. When I first logged on a few months ago he had over 800 emails that were all spam, I was in my element!
The second thing I do is if I have time before work I will do some form of exercise. Sometimes I will do a short HITT session in my living, having a good sweat session, getting all those toxins out from a weekend of freedom eating. Or if I am feeling tense I will have a relaxing yoga session again in the comfort of my own home getting me set up of the day. After exercise I will always stretch out giving my body time to cool down so I can have a shower to feel fresh for the day. The power of exercise is incredible. Its so underrated of a mood booster and how it can transform you in a short space of time. Even the other day I can home from work feeling crappy, I put my running stuff straight on and chased the last bits of sunlight. I came back feeling so refreshed and helped me have such a good night sleep without staying awake overthinking things.
The third thing I do is tick off bits from my 'to do list'. Oh man that is so satisfying! Often I add stuff to the bottom just so I can tick it off as I like to see that pink tick next to the writing. A Monday is when I will plan my week and add stuff to the list things that need to be done for that week and making sure I get them done in time. The best Monday is when I have completed a page of to do's and the whole page is filled with pink ticks. I am so sad haha
The fourth thing I will do tend to my plants. I know this one sound a bit strange and random but I have a big collection of big and small plants dotted around in my room. I know some of them you are not meant to over water but after a long week most of them are in need of water so I make it my task to water all plants in my room. (Even if I am crap at keeping plants) I feel like its a new week for them too, so give them the nutrition they need and give them a good water.
The fifth and final thing I do is give my wardrobe a good tidy and the rest of my room. Your probably wondering how do I fit all this in before work? I am fortunate that I don't start till a bit later on a Monday so I do have time to do all this and it makes a Monday so much more relaxed and productive. So going back to my tidying situation. Yes so I put all my clean washing away, make sure everything is hung up in my wardrobe, all my jumpers are neatly folded as they often get pulled out and not put away properly during the week. I tend to stay at Luke's most of the weekend so I sort my weekend bag out and put everything away ready for the week.
So before you are mean to a Monday again, make sure you treat it with the same respect you give a maybe a Friday or a day you like. If you are organisation freak like me maybe try have some Monday tasks you complete every Monday that you enjoy doing, either before or after work. A next bit of advice is just to relax and not over think things. I am a huge culprit of this and I have learnt just to go with the flow of things and remember nothing is ever the end of the world. Feed off each others positive vibes and if someone is giving off the wrong sort of vibe, stay away from them and surround yourself with love and happiness.