5 small changes for a positive mind
Your teens and twenties can be the hardest years of your life. It sounds like I am a mature adult writing this and reflecting back but really I am in the same boat as the rest of you young readers , still in my early twenties. 'Your twenties are meant to be the best time of your life' you hear that quote over and over again. And every time you think how stressed you are at work or college, or stress from relationships with friends and family. But why are we so stressed. Too much pressure? Not focused on the right things in life? Or its all too much. The older I get the more I want to look after my body as it ages every day and is constantly changing. I want to fuel It with the right things, occasionally treating myself and having what I just fancy that day, giving it enough rest but also pushing it to its limits and making progress and finally filling it with positive thoughts and vibes. Why do the opposite? You have one life, one body so why waste it? I thought I would share the things in my life that are helping me surround myself with positive engery and actually wake up most days fresh faced with a clear mind.
My top of my list has to be practicing Bikram Yoga. If you haven't read my Bikram Yoga challenge make sure you head over to my blog post about this and you will understand what I am taking about. To keep it brief I have been practicing Bikram yoga for a few months now and I can honestly say I am hooked. Addicted even. I like to practice 4 times a week and fit it around my work and social schedule. I am lucky that my boyfriend Luke is also into it and he practices with me usually around 3 times a week. You are strengthening, stretching, breathing, balancing, meditating in a room that is around 35-40 degrees. Its a real mental tester thats for sure, But the more I go the more I crave that heat and sweat. I am getting to the point where I am so relaxed in some postures that I am starting to focus in on myself only and not worrying about everyone else around me. Once the class is over you recicve a burst of energy and just feel alive. Its a hard thing to describe without actually doing it for yourself. Positivity is flowing through my body, I have worked my body and mind for 90 minuets and I have never felt better. I often do a 7oclock evening class then will take class in the morning the next day. Sometimes I feel achy and tired and totally not in the mood but as soon as I step on the yoga mat I am ready to push my body and mind through the class and feel completely different when rolling my mat up once finished.
Taking yourself away from social media can be hard. I know. I have felt at times I have become to attached to social media and the constant refreshing of social media platforms. I got my first phone when I joined secondary school however I didn't have a smart phone for a while so the only thing I was using it for was calling and texting. I am kinda grateful I grew up that way and was introduced to social media a bit older. I am not someone who is against the use of social media because there are so many positives and it can be used as a great tool however the dark side can be heart breaking. I follow friends, family and also people I don't know. Most of them are bloggers and youtubers and I admit I enjoy looking at their pictures that is so 'instgram-able' but when you see the prepartion behind it sometimes it really gets you thinking. Is that real life or forced? You don't need to compare yourself to anyone 'online' and their lifestyle. A lot of things can be happening behind closed doors or 'offline' you don't know about. Live in the present moment and don't worry about what anyone else is doing.
Taking your headphones out, your phone in your bag and just taking in the surroundings, This is like a part two to the social media section above. People watching is what I love to do. I must look like a right nutter staring at people when on the train but I just like to stare and take them in. How they speak, how they stand. Wonder where they are going, what they do as a job? All these things, It kinda puts me at ease that people aren't perfect and they have underlying problems etc that you do see or feel. We are all human at the end of the day and we are not so different from each other. So many people are too engrossed in their phones and miss whats happing around them. I learn best from watching something, I take in information better. I guess thats from training as a dancer and watching teachers all day everyday. Thats why in daily life I try take in my surroundings as much as I can. Even if its the same walk I do everyday, everything might look the same but I guarantee if you are more aware and look closer you will notice something different. I just feel more connected to life when you are more aware of your surroundings , I feel alive and happy to be living in that present moment.
Talking and pouring your heart out is something I have found in the past incredibly hard. I am someone who would much rather suffer in silence then feel like I am bothering someone else with my problems or thoughts.I have learnt the hard way that it doesn't actually work and benefit you in any shape or form. In fact it will make you worse if you bottle it up to yourself and try do it alone. I'm not saying be that one person who is constantly moaning and share everything and I mean everything but your be surprised how many people out there who are there to listen and sometimes by just sharing whats on your mind it can take a huge weight off your shoulders. Sometimes talking it aloud and not keeping it as thoughts in your head can help you make sense of what ever is bothering you and help in a good way. Negative thoughts can easily ruin your mood which can ruin a day or even a week. Go back to the old saying of 'Look on the bright side', make light of the situation, Thats what I tend to do, something is never as bad as you make it out most of the time. Most of the time its not worth stressing over and getting heated or upset about. And if you struggle to make light of the situation / problem, thats when you need to confront the thing and get it sorted.
Small changes to you daily life can play a huge part in a happy brain and body. I don't spend a lot of clothes or items so when I do buy something I am so happy and usually for days. Of course after a lot of shopping around and making sure I get the right deal first. It doesn't even have to be something elaborate or expensive. It can be something simple like a new candle or plant. My plant collection has grown huge now and takes up all of my window ledge. I do admit I went a bit plant crazy but it bought happiness and balance to my life so it wasn't exactly a bad thing. Another small silly thing I did was sorted my knicker draw out, I chucked a load of them out that I didn't wear or were a bit tatty and got myself a few new pairs. Bamm I felt like a new women putting on my new knickers. Making a list of those jobs that 'you have been meaning to do'. I have started making a list of things that always get pushed to the side and delayed longer and longer. My list consist of things like get my car cleaned, sort my jumpers out, clean all my make-up brushes, book my eyebrows in etc... They are jobs that can wait and don't need immediately doing but really they won't take forever to do and once done will make you seem less clogged up with 'things that need doing' and more head space and postitive thinking.
So Im trying to fill my head space with lots of positivity and happiness. Why not? I try to surround myself with people who feel the same and who I can bounce off. It may sound a silly thing talking so much about positive minds and thinking but with a high portion of people in the world suffering with mental health issues I feel people are not doing enough to help make the world a better place and help the people in need. A little bit of positivity can go a long way in my eyes and sometimes better someone for good. Be mindful and aware of the vibes you are giving off around others. You may surprise yourself how different you may feel starting your day with a healthy happy mind.