All I want for Christmas is.... a Foam Roller
Yes it's that time of year again when the whole family are begging you to give them answers to what you want for Christmas. If your like me this yearly task seems to get harder each year and lists seem to be non existent. I wish I could go back to the days when the Argos catalog was your guide to Christmas and you would highlight everything your wanted. Although having a 'hobby' or a profession that requires time and lots and lots of money it seems perfect to link the two together. So here is my list for this years big day & some ideas if your stuck...
1. New Therabands.
I'm not kind to my therabands and don't smother them in baby powder therefore they give up on me and decide to snap. So a mix and match of colors will do nicely for Christmas please. Amazon, TheraBand Link!
2. Pretty Leotard.
Throughout the year looking through all the pretty leotards on display then looking and the price tag of some and slowly walking away crying inside. This is your time to take charge. Leotards can expensive, especially the pretty ones, therefore why don't you add that to your list. Dance Direct- Pretty leotard hunt
3. Sports Massage.
Dying most of the year and using self massage techniques, I think its time for someone else to do the work for a change. I always ask for sports massage vouchers for birthday's/ Christmas. They are like a golden ticket for a dancer. However make sure you get it a long enough session... knot city I tell ya!
4. Hair pins/ Bun nets.
These are great stocking fillers! We all know these stupid things must have legs and remove themselves from our bags.. I always have a shortage and my bun nets have holes the size or craters yet I still try get one more use out of them. Add a few packs to your list, or a whole box!
5. Warm-up's / dance clothes.
We spend our lives in dance clothes looking like we have never seen a mirror in our life so 'normal' clothes are not normally a necessity. Crop tops, booty shorts, the Nike shop, gym leggins, warm-up clothes. All of them would do lovely to add to my collection. My pile of crop tops is getting impressive although I will still add to them.
6. Wobble Board.
You have to get one! They sound boring and a waste of time but in reality they are the closest thing to 'a toy' in the real world. Trying to balance of them seems a task to 'normal' people, a dancer will master this (Hopefully) but once you try all the positions on them like Attitude, arabesque, seconde you will see the difference. And if your that super clever try them all on a demi- pointe , oh then add some pointe shoes just to shut any smart asses up :)
7. iPod- 60g.
As a dancer your playlist is some what interesting. You know NOT to be the DJ when attending parties as it could vary from 'Swan Lake' to 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun', to 'Go Shawty it's your birthday'. It's even more risky when your a teacher and shuffle could end up with Bob the builder and Disney classics. Although attending a party full of dancers your winning there, you will be appreciated and the more random the better! Getting back to my point, if your a teacher a basic iPod will not hold all your music. You need a big bad boy of a iPod that is 60g and can house all your tracks!
8. Bath Salts.
Just hearing those beautiful words makes me melt. Bath salts are a god sent! Coming home after a long day and starting the feel the muscles give up and die you need a bath with salts. I use the radox muscle therapy, although you can use others and they work just as well. Add a few boxes to your list and your love them!
9. Ankle weights / hand weights.
They are always handy to have lying around the house, If you fancy doing a home workout. Make sure they are not too heavy or vice versa too light. The ankle weights are FAB for stretching with. Get them strapped round your ankles and have a good old stretch, then once you take them off your legs will feel like they aren't attached and go on for days! It's a good way for stretching, however make sure you warm-up properly before otherwise you may injure yourself.
10. Gimmmeee Food.
We have gathered dancers are machines and get through a lot of food in a day. Giving food to a dancer is like giving a very hungry tiger a big juicy steak. Our eyes light up and will love you very much. Whether your a cakey lover and have a big sweet tooth OR someone who loves savory foods. Either way a pile of food will go down well with a dancer. Although make sure your not there after the Christmas period when they realize they have to get into leotards and crop tops again!
So there you have it, a Christmas list fit for a dancer! Just a few ideas what to get for that dancer friend or family member. *Hint. Your best option will be food. You still have time to get your Christmas shopping done, although if your like me and HATE shopping centers your best bet it doing it all from your warm cosey bed, in your PJ's, big cup of tea and online shopping. Sorted! Lazy lazy lazy. Happy Christmas Lovelies.
With Love Always
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