What didn't you gain over Christmas?

'Why not, it's Christmas'. 'Did you say extra thick cream? Drown it in it!!'. 'I'm sick of the sight of food'.
It happens every year without doubt. The period between Christmas and New years when everyone has gone mad and cannot function. 'What day is it' is the world's most popular phrase in this time period.You are very confused after days of eating left over meats in various ways and not sure what a 'normal' diet is supposed to consist of. You are waiting for the new year to hopefully give you guidance and get you back to reality and on real people's diet.  You are still visiting your second cousins and distant family who are sending you home with more food than you came with. The game is you bring the food that has been sitting in the fridge for ages and that no one likes and take it to family get together's and leave it there. Hopefully returning with some homemade banoffee pie in your aunties dish that will sit in the cupboard for the rest of the year. It's just day to day talk when moaning about Christmas fat and how you regret everything. Every last bite of that yule log and the countless mince pies that were ''mini ones' therefore you allow yourself to eat double the amount therefore should being feeling half as guilty (at the time). 

But why does Christmas manage to ruin us every year? So many of us try to defeat this beast every year and only have a 'few' roast potatoes or one helping of pudding. But so many of us cave in and use the over used expression of 'Oh it's Christmas though'. I feel sorry for people with large families and having to do Christmas a few times over just to fit in seeing all the family. You cannot escape the celebration boxes that are now mix and match which bring a whole new level of excitement to the table and somehow eating other people's cheese boards is also a new experience that you cannot just miss out on. Although having all the same cheeses at home and rejecting them. Finger food is the culprit for all this delusion at this time of the year. And well, for Pringles, they shouldn't be legal and available to buy in this crazed time. They should feel ashamed of themselves tasting so bloody good and making you consume most of the tube in one sitting! Good luck trying to calorie count...It is true, you shouldn't get over obsessed with this theory or 'healthy eating' and being on track 24/7. There is always room for sways in your path and sometimes allowing yourself to over indulge a certain time of the year won't do you as much harm as you think. However consuming a whole turkey and a tub of celebrations wouldn't be the best start... 

So don't feel sorry for yourself because 1 everyone is in the same boat and number 2 No one really cares. I object to get on the scales. Not just because I am now into elephant weight measurements but I have never done it. My wonderful mum never uses scales and always says ' As long as my clothes fit, I don't need to loose any weight'. I think that's a lovely way to measure your 'weight' as so many people get caught up on the number on those things and obsess. Its your body at the end of the day, you certainly don't need a bit of plastic or glass if your posh to tell you to loose weight. You know when you feel good about yourself and happy with what you got... kinda haha. 

So another year has passed and the older you get the less you can actually eat. Horrayyy in some sense. We all know what one of our New Years resolutions will be and will we stick to them? Probably not..  I hope you all had a lovely Christmas filled with lots of food, happy memories & deep sleeps on the sofa. May 2016 bring you more luck and better memories if this one has been a crap one for ya. Thank you to all you lovely people for you support in my blog and I hope you continue to read this average read haha. 
With Love Always, B. 
