Let's talk to Florence Seabright

Okay can I first start off by saying how beautiful is this gorgeous girl!! She is true beauty I must say. And a big thank you to Florence for letting me do this blog post on her. For this post I thought I would stop talking about myself for once and let someone else speak. Yes Bethany it's not your go to speak. I first came across this talented dancer/ athlete on Instagram and was keen to find out more about her fitness and her lifestyle. So ya I was basically stalking her but shh she doesn't need to know.. I am always willing to expand my knowledge and pick up tips from people to keep my body finely tuned and exploring new foods to try. I always like to pass my findings on and share them to my blog for people to read and try for themselves. I asked Florence a handful of questions and these were the answers I got ... 
B-'So tell me a bit about yourself?' 
 So I’m a dancer and freelance personal trainer. I’ve danced most of my life and currently train with a commercial agency, but I got into the fitness industry more recently. I’m also an undergrad at King’s College London, studying History. 

B- ‘Have you always been an active person?’ 
 Yes definitely. I started dancing at about 4 years old and, even from a young age was always pretty serious about itso that took up most of my time outside school. After 6th form I went to London Contemporary Dance School and trained there until I was injured out halfway through my second year. Although dancing took up most of my time, I always loved going to the gym in any spare time I had because it really helped to improve my overall fitness and performance. When I had to leave LCDS I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to dance again and had to take a long time off which was pretty difficult but, once I started recovering, the gym became even more important to me in terms of getting my fitness back and expending some of that energy I would’ve usually danced off! I have, luckily, managed to get back into dancing, in a slightly different way as I now train with a commercial agency rather than doing the contemporary training I did before. Fitness and the gym have always been such a massive part of my life though and becoming a personal trainer just seemed like the natural next step for me to take.

B- ‘How many times do you workout in a week?’ 
do around 12 hours of dancing spread over the week, sometimes less, sometimes more, depending on which classes I can fit in. But I try and get to the gym about 5 times a week as well. It’s totally dependent on what I have on each week to be honest, as being at university and doing the personal training means that my schedule can constantly change. 

B- ‘What type of exercise do you do to keep fit?’ 
Dancing is obviously a massive part of my fitness but other than that, I try and get in cardio to improve my stamina, and lots of resistance training as well for strengthening. 

B-‘I HATE burpees but I know they are good for me, what is your enemy when working out?’ 
Cardio is mine! I know how good it is for me, and it definitely helps my endurance during dance but I really hate it. Some days it’s a real struggle getting through it and it’s those times that you just need some really good music blaring in your ears to keep you pushing through! 
B-’ Those days when all you want to do is be in bed and motivation is at rock bottom, do you ever get those days?’ 
Yes definitely, everyone gets those days! Sometimes all you want to do is curl up in bed, turn on Netflix, eat lots of food, and sleep. Most of the time I try and power through when that happens. Get to the gym, out of the house and get on with the day. Every now and then though, especially at the weekend, its exactly what I need and I’ve definitely spent multiple Sundays curled up doing absolutely nothing!  

B-‘Let’s talk about food, if you were only allowed to take one meal with you on a desert island, what would it be?’ 
That’s hard… I love food! I honestly don’t think I could decide. My mum is the best cook I know, so it would have to be one of her meals. And coffee. I have a slight coffee addiction you see 

B- ‘What would your advice be on breakfast, what’s the best thing for you?’ 
I think it’s totally dependent on the person really, what works for one will not necessarily work for another, but I like to have a substantial breakfast, usually after a workout, to fuel me through until lunch. Sometimes this can be hard, especially if you’re in a rush, but I love smoothie bowls or overnight oats and chia seeds because you can prepare them the night before so theyre quick and easy and you can have them on the run. They’re also pretty delicious which helps! 

B-‘If biscuits and pick n mix are involved I’m first in, Do you have any guilty pleasures?’ 
I love crumble. And custard. I don’t know what it is but it’s always been my favourite thing. I also love chocolate though...hmm...chocolate crumble… 

B- ‘If you could give your younger self a message, what would it be?’ 
To try and be happier with myself. When I was younger I didn’t have the most confidence and was pretty self-critical. I think we all are, and I’m certainly sometimes still guilty of it now, but if I could change one thing it would be that. There’s nothing wrong with striving for improvement and ambition but only if you can happily accept yourself for the person you are at the same time, it’s all part of a process and I wish I hadn’t spent so many years not seeing that. My mum used to say “don’t wish your life away” and, as mums always are, she was right! 

B-‘ Any special quotes, mottos or things you go by?’ 
When I had to stop my dance training at LCDS my dad gave me a little note with a quote on which said, ‘for all that has been – thanks! To all that will be – yes!’. I know it’s pretty corny but I think it’s also pretty perfect. It was really important to me at the time, trying to let go and be grateful for all the things I had been lucky enough to do, and throw myself into whatever came next…. And I’m glad I did! 

If anyone is interested in personal training, or even just finding out a bit more about it, then they are welcome to email me at info@fitbyflo.com or add me on instagram, @fseabright, and follow my journey there.