ITS SUMMER. 'I'm gunna do so much, we're gunna go camping, stay up late etc etc...' Its said every year that your going to make the most out of summer but in reality you get up late, have some food then mope around for most the day and moan that your bored! I am a culprit of this don't worry. This is where you need to make a list - yes those bucket lists that everyone has. But I've actually ticked off a lot on mine and seeing those ticks is weirdly satisfying. So make a summer one. The key is planning. *Yes I am one of those organised people who LOVE to plan. Put it in your diary and make sure you stick to it. Think of it as its a must do and you cannot skip it like work, boo! 

A lot of it comes down to money. I am a / well was a student so I understand that money seems to be running away and not staying in pockets. But things don't have to be expensive. Here's my random / list / ideas of what to do this summer. Pick one to do and invite friends, family or pets to join you. 

1. Go and visit somewhere quiet/ cute. Get out of a busy city, away from noise and rush hour, and just take in the fresh air and beauty around you. It will help you clear your head (if it needs clearing of course) and appreciate the little things in life that are often missed. - Like cute houses with red doors and cobbled streets that look cute but hurt your feet in inappropriate shoes. My 'cute' place is Hamstead Health in London. I hopped on a train and met my oldest friend of life and we had a wander and chilled.

2. Every body likes food. It makes you happy, taste good and always good with company. Remember going on a teddy bears picnic when you were younger? Well not always with teddy but various other cuddly animals haha but it was such a good afternoon out, especially if the weather was behaving. Grab a bag and fill it with random nibbles and find a field with piece and quiet and eat and be happy. Take something to sit on and always look where your going to sit. *Note to self, avoid dog poo... and don't take stuff that will melt or require buttering. Other than that, round some friends or family together and have a teddy bears picnic! 

3. Have a whiffff. Colors and more colors. Go and visit and flower market, the one I have been recommend to go to is 'Columbia Road Flower Market'- its open on a Sunday only but it has the most beautiful selection. The colors remind you what summer is about and how beautiful this season is! If you can't make it there, the second option is to visit garden centers. I often like to go with Luke to Crews Hill Garden centers and see all the flowers and plants. I don't know what it is about flowers but they brighten your day and just make you feel so happy. Come on, you can't resist a bunch that sits in your living room for weeks. 

4. Putting in the credit card details or entering your pin gives me immense sadness. I just hate spending loads of money on clothes but I love new clothes at the same time. Who doesn't? The best way to save money is charity shops and thift shops! They became a big thing and trend therefore prices have risen a lot, especially in Camden Markets due to the tourism. But you can still find some bangers in charity shops. Flannel shirts and mens shirts are my thing. I had to chuck a load away to make room for new... *CRY. Brighton has the best shops for tat that you wanna buy and vintage/ recycled clothes. It's a must visit. 

5. Music is the only thing that keeps me sane. I don't think anyone goes a day without listening to music whether it's consciously putting it on to listen to or hearing it on the radio or if its playing around you. It's crazy how different types of music can affect your mood. If I got my uptempo/ fast pace music on Bethany knows she should be doing exercise and not sit on her bottom but if I got my 'chill-lax' music on, Bethany knows she can sit and zone out. I got my record player for Christmas (I think or birthday) and I know it is a trend and the 'cool' kids have them but they actually produce such a raw sound that can't be produced through a download. Even just selecting the record and watching it go round on the turn table, its truly magical and something to experience.

Chase the sun and watch the sunset, either from your back garden, on top of a hill or at the beach. Watching the day slowly come to an end and documenting it is a must. I always look up what time sunset is and where the best view is (yes i'm sad like that) and make sure I capture it at it's best. I was recently at the beach with family and just missed such a perfect sunset, I was so annoyed! I have often ran out of Luke's house chasing the sunset down the road with camera in hand,ask Luke haha. 

My other plans for the summer : - Paint my room / re-arrange - Go to a theme park - Holiday with my family , Portugal - Holiday with Luke, Amsterdam - Climb over the O2 - Rock climbing - Beach - + much more. Make sure you follow me on my summer adventures as I blog. And make sure you follow me on my social media accounts and YouTube account -