Not acting Smooth while making a Smoothie

It's my second day and yet again posting, Hola! Today was my first day of choosing one recipe from 'Deliciously Ella' site and attempting to make it. I thought I would try one of her smoothies as they are fairly simple and all I had to do is chuck everything in a blender and then drink. Of course things are never simple with me and end up everywhere including  on the cat and not in the glass but that's the fun of it! Here we go, this is what happened... 
Excuse the hobbit feet..
This morning I started my day off with a bowl of porridge again and this time I used mostly almond milk and added a little bit of skimmed milk to it. After that was cooked in the microwave, well forgotten about and nearly over flowing, I added a handful of raisins and gobbled that down watching friends on t.v. My day consisted of a workout and stretching session, so it was fairly relaxed in comparison to a busy day of training at college,  and allowed me to get stuck in with attempting the smoothie I had picked to make. 
Smoothie time! I started making it late afternoon as I wasn't hungry till then and picked a green one to make.The recipe was called 'Pear and Vanilla smoothie' and didn't have much to it, hence the name , but I deliberately chose this just to ease me into it and not get confused, yes I do get confused easily when making stuff! So I got all the ingredients out I needed and measured out the correct amounts and then had to search for the food blender. Lets just say my Mum likes to play hide and seek with the kitchen appliances in my house so that was challenge before I even started! Found it, finally. The only thing I cut up was the pear into smaller chunks but the rest I just bunged in altogether. 
I am going to admit that before using the food processor I did try to use the hand blender. Stupid idea, I know haha. Fault number one.. I wondered why my brother was giving me some strange looks. So I transferred everything over to the food processor. (Thinking of all the washing up that was piling up in the corner) I always get these awful visions that the mixture will go everywhere covering the kitchen, knowing there may a slight chance of this happening and me being the worlds most clumsiness person I let my brother turn it on first so I could blame him if it did explode. No problems, hooray! blend blend blend and more blending. We did open it and my brothers reaction was "Is is meant to look like salsa?" Clearly not, so I just had to blend it for longer. I didn't get it as smooth as I wanted it but I kinda got bored. So once that was done I remembered that I didn't have anything that I could put it in. I couldn't exactly eat it out of the food processor, yes I have done that before. Why did I even admit that... I wanted one of those cool glass jars and cute straws, but no the only thing I could find was a protein shake container, oh well that will do! So transferring it out of the food processor was fun.not. All over the side and pretty much most of ended up down me too, obviously my shirt wanted to taste some of it. But I did like how it all fit perfectly into the protein shake container which I believe is 700ml. I put it in the fridge while I cleaned the kitchen up, washing everything by hand and proving a point to my brother that I can wash up and not that lazy after all.
Taste test! Okay I really should of blended it more as the oats are a bit chunky but the overall taste isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I always had this preconception in my head that green smoothies taste rather weird and not my cup of tea but today i was proved wrong. The almond milk gives it that smooth creamy taste and the pear and spinach work very well together. I think I would add little bit more of vanilla powder next time and defiantly blend it for a lot longer. However I don't have a very good food processor and i'm guessing if I bother to invest in a good one it will help with blending it better and giving it a smoother texture. But I'm not a fussy person so it didn't really bother me. I only just made it through half of it as it was super filling, but I never waste food so it can stay in that bottle and keep in the fridge for tomorrow morning! No doubt someone in my house will have a taste of it tonight. 
So that concludes my smoothie making for today and I will defiantly try this one again as an easy recipe.

Things I learnt today, I am still clumsy, don't be scared on the food processor, blend blend and more blending and green smoothies are my friend. Feel free to ask me any questions by contacting me. Twitter- bethanytrower. 

With Love always
